Sunday, March 15, 2020

Humans as Heros

If you haven't seen Yo-yo Ma's recent tweet playing a song that brings him peace, or museums sharing moments of zen with artworks, then you're not doing social distancing right. They are great ways to pass the time on your own, while still feeling connected to the world.

Inspired by Ma and museums, I started thinking what I uniquely had to offer to bring peace, calm, or, if nothing else, a way to kill five minutes that didn't include a feed full of virus updates.

I write songs. I make products. I can put together a beautiful photo shoot. And, I think more outside the realms of our reality than others. I'll do all of these things if have time.

Pulling from the latter, here's something if you're interested in one way I think the world could have been.

How the World Could Have Been

Everything Has a Purpose

In nature, everything has a purpose. It has been decided by billions of years of evolution. The obvious example is the wolves in Yellowstone National Park

Everyone has questioned their purpose in the world. Why is it so hard for humans, who are supposed to be such cognitive beings, to clearly understand our purpose in the world? Because, our reality hides it from us.

I see one option.

Our Hidden Purpose

Have you seen the video of a policeman helping ducklings out of a sewer?:
Or, what about the couple who "nursed" a rainforest back to life? Or, the countless videos of people helping wildlife during the wildfires in Australia?

We take these videos and find these actions amazing because it's the exception. As a species, it's something we do on the side. And yet, it's something we are uniquely capable of doing.

Somewhere down the line, we started using the earth and its beings. Seeing them only in service to us, rather than our opportunity to be heroes to them. 

The goodwill to be heroes of this planet lies within us. We can see it in the examples above.

If I step outside of our reality, I can close my eyes and see a world where we specialize in protecting the planet and everything that lives on it. 

We use our unique physical and mental capabilities to do whatever is needed by animals, forests, lakes, rivers, and mountains. In this reality, that is our purpose. 

It is beautiful. 

The Reality of Our Purpose

We live fulfilled. We feel our purpose. And the rest of the planet feels it too. We are not feared by nature, but respected and thanked by it. Just as we respect and thank it too, because we understand that everything has a purpose on this planet, and we all need to fulfill those purposes in order to survive.

Photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash

There is no money, countries, corporate ladder climbing, or corporations, for that matter. There are roles and pride in those roles. And, before the socialism and communism police ring their sirens, understand that without money and corporations, these can't really exist. I don't know exactly what there is, there is some form of personal ownership, but, the point is, our goals are not monetary and our heroes are not corporate. 

We celebrate those who make great saves to the planet and its beings. We train, work, and strive to do great things for our fellow Earth inhabitants. 

We learn how to avoid harming the planet, as it goes against our purpose on it. Energy, food systems, transportation, lodging, etc. are all executed in ways that either benefit the environment or maintain it.

Creatures of Learning

Here, in this could-have-been reality, we understand more about the world around us. We learn from it. There is so much to learn. 

Our ability to learn is so great. We could learn a new way, though our distaste for change stops us. 

It's an amazing gift we've been given, this combination of physical and mental ability. I can't imagine a more fitting purpose for it, than to either completely preserve ourselves, or the planet. 

What To Do Now

Obviously, this isn't going to be our reality. But, you can make it a little bit more of your's.

Instead of killing a bug in your house, bring it back outside.
Consider biomimicry for your next design challenge.
Opt for renewable energy, most energy companies are offering the choice. Check with yours.
Plant trees.
Eat vegan.
And, everything else recommended on my newsletter Today We Will. Sign up here.

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